Soothe Your Skin: 7 Steps to Naturally Treat Acne and Eczema

Ever found yourself on the rollercoaster ride of skin ups and downs? One day you feel like a flawless Instagram filter, and the next, you're contemplating a career as a professional hermit.

Well, you're not alone. Acne affects about 50% of women in their 20’s and 33% in their 30’s. Whilst it’s not easy going through these waves of ups and downs, even your closest friends or a distant neighbour could be going through similar struggles. So, I implore you to reach out to a friend today, together you can support each other.

And whilst skin issues like acne and eczema can feel like a (painful) broken record, it’s entirely possible to heal these symptoms from within.

First, let’s take a deep breath (or sip your favourite herbal tea. We’ve got spearmint here!). In our beautiful journey of self-care and well-being, we often stumble upon these challenges that feel like they're dimming our inner light. 

So, let us shed some light on these two such challenges, acne and eczema, and embark on a transformative journey where we harness the power of natural remedies to soothe our skin, reclaim our glow, and awaken our inner strength. 

Today, we’re diving into the top 7 natural remedies you can do right now to help ease the pain of dry, cracked, inflamed or itchy skin! 

1. Embrace the Beauty of Balance

At the heart of our well-being is a profound sense of balance. Much like a well-orchestrated symphony, our bodies strive to maintain harmony, particularly with our hormones. When this hormonal harmony is disrupted by stress, poor nutrition, or inadequate sleep, it often sends them into a spin and reflects at us in the form of acne or eczema. 

Striking a balance might sound challenging, but several strategies can help restore it:

Mindful Techniques: Practices like yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises can reduce stress, a significant contributor to hormonal imbalance. By integrating mindfulness into your daily routine, you're promoting a healthy hormonal balance.

Healthy Nutrition: A balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can keep your hormones in check. Try to incorporate foods with omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon, flax seeds, and walnuts, which help control hormone production.

Quality Sleep: Good sleep is vital for hormone regulation. Ensure you get at least 7-9 hours of sleep each night, and maintain regular sleep-wake cycles.

2. Listen to Your Gut

Ever wondered why we refer to our gut as the 'second brain?' It's because our gut communicates with our skin through the gut-brain-skin axis and can significantly influence its health. Unbalanced gut flora can lead to an inflammatory response, causing skin issues like acne and eczema.

Here's how to support your gut health:

Whole Foods: For those suffering from acne, including fermented foods like kefir, kimchi, and yogurt may aid in healthy skin. As well as foods high in fibre, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, may help replenish your gut with beneficial bacteria and promote a healthy gut environment. 

Stay Hydrated: Hydration is essential in supporting digestion and nutrient absorption in the gut. Aim for at least 2-3 litres of water daily. This leads us to the next point…

3. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Hydration is not just about quenching your thirst; it's about ensuring that every cell in your body functions optimally, including your skin cells. Beyond drinking plenty of water, your skin needs external hydration too.

Internal Hydration: Ensure you're getting enough water daily. As a general rule, you can use this simple calculation. Water (in litres) to drink a day = Your Weight (in kg) multiplied by 0.033. For example, if you are 60kg, you should drink about 2 litres of water every day.

External Hydration: Dehydration, or Trans Epidermal Water Loss, occurs when the skin's barrier fails to retain water, letting it evaporate into the atmosphere. This can be due to genetic factors, aging, lifestyle choices, or, most commonly, the use of harsh skin products that disrupt the skin's natural balance.

Natural Dermaviduals skincare products aim to maintain a healthy skin barrier, relieving dehydration by first repairing the skin and then supporting the skin barrier with moisturisers. custom blended, skin-identical ingredients. It’s important to use natural skincare products that aid in this healing process.

4. Embrace the Sunshine Vitamin

Vitamin D, our body's gift from the sun, is integral to skin health. It helps regulate skin cell growth and repair and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Boost your Vitamin D levels naturally:

Sun Exposure: Aim for 10-15 minutes of sun exposure each day, ideally in the morning when the sun's rays are less intense. Remember to protect your skin with sunscreen during prolonged exposure.

Diet: Incorporate foods rich in Vitamin D, like fatty fish, egg yolks, and fortified foods.

5. Connect with Mother Nature

Nature provides us with a wealth of healing plants and herbs. Calendula, chamomile, and nettle leaf, among others, can help calm inflammation and speed up the skin's healing process.

Teas and Tinctures: Using these herbs in teas or tinctures can be soothing. A cup of chamomile tea before bed can promote relaxation and aid digestion.

Topical Applications: Look for skincare that is 100% pure and uses skin-mimicking bioidentical ingredients to help heal from the outside in. Avoid skin care products with fragrances and ingredients with names longer than the alphabet. We’re looking at you, toxic chemicals!

6. Embrace Gentle Movement

Our skin reflects our overall health. Regular gentle movement boosts our general health, promotes good circulation, reduces stress, and aids in detoxification.

Daily Exercise: Include some form of exercise in your daily routine, like yoga, Pilates, or even a brisk walk. Aim for at least 20-30 minutes per day.

Deep Breathing: Breathing exercises such as breathwork can help oxygenate your skin and relax your mind.

7. Honor Your Individual Journey

Finally, remember that your skin journey is unique. Some strategies work wonders for one person and less so for another. Listening to your body and practising patience and understanding are crucial.

This journey is entirely your own, and whilst it can sometimes feel unbearable, every step is a testament to your strength and resilience. Embrace the path, and together, we'll celebrate the glow of health from within.

Throughout my 9 years of experience as a naturopath, I've had the honour of supporting many women through their skin journeys.

I see you and understand your challenges. Your skin is a mirror reflecting your body's internal health. It's telling a story – all we need to do is listen.

If you’re feeling lost, at your wit's end or just about ready to throw in the towel, reach out here, and we can catch up for a FREE no-obligation consult to discuss how you can reclaim your glow.

Stay radiant, stay beautiful, and stay connected. 


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Want to Learn More About Topical Steroid Withdrawal?

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